Accidentally scrolled into Sony Ericsson shop. Accidentally asked about the bluetooth device for my Sony Ericsson S500i handphone. That shop assistant accidentally showed me one nice model and I accidentally bought it! RM150 gone!!!

His album cover. A pretty cool album, nice raps!
CMG team with Jin (first row, squatting, far right). Me is first row, squatting, far left
After that, went over to PGRM (in Cheras) for another event shoot...Elken's annual dinner. Direct Selling events are always very boring. Anyway, to cut the long story short Nikon D2X failed!!! With a new SB800 attached to the D2X body...I found out that the body's hotshoe is loose and kinda gonna break away and fall off. So, with that loose hotshoe, the flash unit is nor properly locked onto the D2X body...and as such, many shots we fired without the flash firing!!! So, reverted back to my old trusty D100 with my new SB800 attached. Which means, on Monday, have to also send in my D2x for repairs!!!
And Monday...I am shooting the new year's countdown event at Bukit Bintang!!! Will have to do it with the D100. Argh...
A lil update on BabyKJ's Korea adventure. She has covered almost every corner of Seoul and has also mastered the skill of skiing (she spent two days at the ski resort). And tomorrow, she says she wants to make a solo trip to a province called Pusan, known for great scenaries. But its winter! And tomorrow's whether forecast says "bad weather" in Pusan. Which means, nothing to see (all parks will likely be closed) and no where to go. Travelling there cost a hefty RM300 on just transport alone! And her accomodation in Pusan... sigh!!!
Oh yes, I got this huge pimple popped out on my lower right cheek area. Maybe too much work and long late nites? Or maybe too much worrying and sleepless nites? has been an extremely "long week"... really long.
Got my pictures printed. Dropped them off to client's place. Had tea with my designer to get some stationaries printed, i.e., Chinese New Year greeting cards, Babyboss Pictures stickers and the best of all...Babyboss Pictures Car Rear Windscreen Sticker (you know...those "University Of Michigan" kinda banner sticker you stick at your back windscreen of your car?). And really...if you want to have one for your car, please just drop me an email or call me and I will send you one...and be a "Babyboss supporter"!!!
Got home, rainned cats and dogs. Stayed home. Had my favourite Maggi Mee instant noodles for dinner. Watched Ocean's Twelve over DVD (for the 3rd time). Kinda interesting since I have already forgotten about the movie. Started with Terry Benedict (Andy Garcia) wanting back his $160million from Tess (Juli Roberts) and Danny (George Clooney). They pulled a heist and paid up Benedict. But that led my curiosity to now wanting to also watch Ocean's Eleven. And so I did. And I know fully understand why Benedict wants back his $160million.
Half way with Ocean's Twelve, managed to catch up with BabyKJ (on the phone) who is now having a great time at one of Korea's ski resort. Apparently, entrance fee cost about RM200+ per person and rental of the ski gears cost another RM150+!!! But you get to have fun from 8am till 11pm and ski till your knees drop! Temperature there is around -1.
My Perlis job (a huge mega event launch), apparently is coming to us again? I am not sure.
Oh ya ... got more TVXQ2007 concert pics at my photo gallery
Its 4:30am now. I shall shower and hit the sack!
Some of my home cell group members (the rest are busy with the Xbox360)
Final touches to the stage
Prayers at backstage before the show...a customary practise in all Chinese concerts
Dinner time!!! beloved assistant dropped and broke my CF card reader!!!