The Official Car Sticker

The Official Car Sticker

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Word Power

During the recent activities of our country's "election season", we see all sorts of promises being shouted out by almost every participating campaigning party. I mean, who wants to be left out, afterall "its just a shout"! LOL
But I have also been observing the US version of their election for the new presidency, a fierce battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, both of which will also cause national history since Hillary would make the first lady president for the US and Barack will be the first African-American president.
And one of the most difficult thing to do in life is to "change". Nobody likes to change. Accepting a change is always difficult for many. Yet, the word "change" is widely used in American campaigns. Hillary Clinton's slogan says, "Ready For Change" while Barack Obama says, "Change We Can Believe In". Personally, I'd buy Obama's, it tend to bring in more meaning and value. Not just change for the sake of change but to change into something that "we can believe in". And that is very important.
And if I were to be asked to "platform speak" to an audience of young and hungry entrepreneurs, I'd choose to speak on "Change We Can Believe In". There is more meaningful values and personal achievements to talk about here. While "Ready For Change" charges up the people to "attack" and move forward. Maybe the value systems may not be of priority.
Very interesting. But what does our Malaysian campaigners say? Barisan Nasional's official slogan shouts "Security, Peace & Prosperity". LOL! OK, maybe they have their reasons!
Choice of words very much reflects the mind status of a person at the point of communication. The way your sentence is constructed and delivered speaks a lot about your true inner self. And many times, we ourselves don't realise it. I am personally guilty of that. (hehe)
Esepcially when you communicate through MSN or Skype, where words don't carry expression nor body language. It becomes very dangerous and can easily cause misunderstandings simply because every word and sentence can be interpreted in many ways since there is no vocal expression nor body language present. I have experienced that several times too where my original meaning was taken totally off course.
So, high tech is good but high touch is still very important. Nothing beats a face-to-face chat.

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