The Official Car Sticker

The Official Car Sticker

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Shitty Day

Today is a sick day. Not as in medically sick but emotionally, morally and ethically sick. Not that I did something wrong or bad but it was a business associate who made havoc! Let me try to piece everything together and write a good story. Hmm, where and how should I start?
Gosh, I have written a whole lot but decided to delete everything about it. I am not sure who reads this blog and if my post would further agitate the issue. All I know is, I have literally lost a super huge business opportunity thats worth millions! I hope the situation don't get any worst as it may cause me everything that I have in this project.
As I write, my associate, M is now trying hard to restore the situation and resolve the problem. While F, my the other associate, who "ignited" the problem, is not within reach. And me, stuck in between not knowing what to do cause I was not there when the incident happened. Its a horrible feeling to sit around filled with anxiety but can't do anything.
Its a shitty day!


Unknown said...

Diffusing, diffusing, diffusing....BOMB.....diffusing unsuccessful!!!! haha.....

Babyboss Pictures said...

Hey Lim, which "Lim" are you?