The Official Car Sticker

The Official Car Sticker

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Money Killer

I realised that a few of my close friends and associates are beginning to "avoid" me by not taking up my calls, not replying to my text messages and emails. All because of the same reason...MONEY.
Yes, all these guys owe me money, mostly from events and services that I rendered and my due fees not paid. The smallest amount was a few hundred bucks and the biggest is RM2,300. One guy even blammed me for being pushy [he owed me RM1,500 from a Feb 2008 event]. He said I was "penny wise pound foolish" and have lost several big jobs from his company because of my chasing for the outstanding 1.5k. Gosh...its over a year outstanding...what am I suppose to do...sit and wait? Dur!
One guy, after not picking up my calls, sent me a text message saying that my money is only available end of the month. But my purpose of calling him was not to ask for the money but to give him an event job! He is now either really soooo busy and not being able to call me back or simply just "avoiding" me. It is such a pity that things have to turn out this way.
I am ok if you tell me the truth and admit that you don't have the money to pay me now. Give me a date and I can wait. But don't let the outstanding amount float aimlessly and as it is and extend to "avoiding" me. Don't let money come in the way of a good working relationship. Be accountable and deal with the situation "head on".
Sometimes, money can really turn up the dark side of a person's personality and forcing him to respond with unwise actions. Well, I want my money, no doubt...but I also want to retain that working relationship that we had.

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