The Official Car Sticker

The Official Car Sticker

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tunnel Of My Life

The last few months have been very exciting and many new doors were opened in front of me. Almost everything was tempting and exciting and I am now going through a “trying period” of my life. Though not as in a “matter of life and death” kind of period but rather a period of seriously trying out “new things”. Trying out a new lifestyle. Trying out new business opportunities. Trying out a new different status. Living through it as though it is now happening.

I don’t know how long I will take as I walk through this journey and this is my first time taking “such a walk”. I don’t know what it is at the other end of the tunnel though I do have a rough idea. I can only predict but can never be sure, no one can.

As I walk, I know I will have to pass through rough roads, “T” junctions where I have to stop and think a while, cross junctions where I need to know where I want to go and through empty fields where I must know what I want in life. I also expect to shed tears of joy as well as tears of sorrows. I will laugh because I got what I desperately want but I will also mourn because I may have lost something precious.

What will it be? How will it be? When will it be?

No one knows. Its a journey destined for me and I have to walk through it...alone. Bitter sweet memories that comes along the way, I just have to cherish them day by day. And I hope before too long, I can see light at the other end of the “tunnel of my life”.

Walk with me,
And we will see.

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